T2T | Together 2 Transform: the sustainable revolution
June 14, 2023
You can't transform anything without transforming yourself first, which is why I started this journey a few months ago, by looking at myself first these last few months. The ability to evolve and change on an individual level is essential to be able to lead organizational change.
It must be at the heart of our strategy. An attitude of change. But this transformation can only be achieved with the commitment of all of us together, it’s a collective and committed challenge, which must fulfill a positive impact plan that covers our people, our planet, our origin and all stakeholders. Sustainability is a cross-cutting team effort. With companies, as with people, nobody is perfect and recognising this is the first step towards transformation.
That is why we are going to work on transformation with deeds instead of fine words. With the help of process improvement, technology and people, that is the real change, not a threat. We must change the mindset and manage our projects more efficiently, we must change the processes to change the culture. If the business changes, so does the organization. There is no change without taking a risk, and no profit with a change.
Accelerators of change
The fashion world is fragmenting, and we are facing a great moment of transition. The old hasn’t died yet, and the new hasn’t been born yet, but for the consumers, regulation and the focus on purpose -PROFIT, PEOPLE PLANET- will be the accelerators of change.
Innovation is a complex phenomenon, an interaction between the demands of the market, the thrust of technology and the managerial and entrepreneurial talent of all of us. There are two related phenomena, we have to be able to make organizations absorb this knowledge, face the fear of change, and start the new path of earn & learn (trial & error), we have to produce, consume, ethically and efficiently, technology will bring humanity and transparency to the supply chain. We have to do things the right way, there is nothing to hide, lies are the weapon we have to fight against.
We come from volume consumption and low prices, which we all know is the cheapest way to do business, but we forget about the pollution we all create. We must create an ecosystem where growth based on unit volumes disappears, versus the achievement of targets by value, we must learn to incorporate new services for renting, second hand, repair, etc.. in our business models, because the first thing we have to defend is that our activity is profitable, economically beneficial to the entire ecosystem, from the first to the last.
Listening to the wise
I love how Al Gore constantly talks about ambition and solutions, when at #COP27 he said:
“We are in the early stages of a sustainable revolution that has the scale of the industrial revolution and the speed of the digital revolution”.
I could not convey this better than by recalling his words.
Eco-design is the creation of circular fashion, the beginning of everything, here we will find the tool to initiate an organisational change. We will continue creating illusion from fashion, we will design beautiful products, but we will think about what materials we should choose, we will design taking into account the whole life cycle. Where we are going to manufacture it, how we are going to transport it to the consumer or even how we are going to recycle it at the end of its life as a resource.
We will take the opportunity to use digital tools for creation, but improving the interrelationship between industry and brand, whether in the supply chain, in the consumer offer or for different marketing campaigns, it all starts here. Also, with technology, we will be able to measure the impact of our decisions, so I think we will learn to work in a transversal way. This will give us a new, more product-based approach, which will help to reduce the impact on the industry through the choice of low-impact materials and efficient production techniques.
Ecodesign: a new approach
All will lead to an optimisation of the logistics and distribution of products to the consumer and all this will also optimise energy consumption, increasing the quality of the product which will extend the life of the product, promoting a second life thanks to renting, second hand, repairs, etc… It will end up strengthening and favouring recycling. Ecodesign gives us a new approach, a new culture.
As the great queen of design Rossana Orlandi says, “we should eradicate the throwaway concept”, that’s why we defend ecodesign, which is DESIGN WITH IMPACT, first we have to solve the problems and then launch the products.
From now on, Industry 4.0 will be more important the software than the factory itself, the digital transformation will increase productivity, we will see how tools such as blockchain, AI, machine learning or IoT connecting industry machines with the ecosystem through sensors, will make all of this a new management challenge.
Sharing data will be key. Growing others, creating communities from different sectors that facilitate the goal of a truly sustainable fashion, the circular economy will become an accelerator of the fashion industry. THAT IS OUR SUSTAINABLE REVOLUTION.
Words of Jordi Blasco, founder and CEO of T2T | Together 2 Transform